Planning of photovoltaic systems for rural housing electrifications

Colloquium: Planning of photovoltaic systems for rural housing electrification


Dr. Tamer Khatib
Smart Grids Group
Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Lakeside Labs presentation room: October 14th, 2013, 2 p.m.

The installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems systems is growing specially in the rural zones where there is no sufficient connection to the low voltage network. As a fact, using PV system for rural housing electrification is more feasible that establishing a distribution network. In this presentation, science, technical and social implications of photovoltaic systems as a renewable energy sources are discussed. In addition to that, solar source assessment and modeling techniques are presented and optimal sizing procedures of systems energy sources as well as storage systems are reviewed. Finally, evaluation criteria of photovoltaic power systems are proposed.

Tamer Khatib is a photovoltaic power systems professional. He holds a B.Sc. degree in electrical power systems from An-Najah National University, Palestine as well as a M.Sc.and a Ph.D degrees in photovoltaic power systems from National University of Malaysia,Malaysia. Currently he is a senior researcher at the Smart Grids Group of the Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria. So far, he has 2 patents, 2 published books and 59 published research articles meanwhile, his current h-index is 8. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE Power and Energy Society, The International Solar Energy society, Jordanian Engineers Association, Palestinian Solar and Sustainable Energy Association and International Association of Engineers. His research interests mainly fall in the scope of photovoltaic systems and solar energy fundamentals.

SMART Grid Day 2013 at i-KNOW 2013 in Graz

SMART Grid Day 2013
4th of September 2013
Graz, Austria

The current development of energy distribution networks towards Smart Grids opens various new fields for the ICT, Big Data and Knowledge Technologies communities. Enormous potential lies in the intelligent exploitation of data generated by Smart Metering through technologies from the ITC fields Knowledge Technologies, Data Science, Machine Learning and Visual Analytics.

The next logical step in the transition from energy distribution networks to Smart Grids is the integration of knowledge technologies. With SMART Grid Day 2013, we aim to establish a strong network between the Smart Grid and Knowledge Technologies communities. Through the cooperation of both communities in interdisciplinary research projects, we want ensure that both communities can take on international leadership within the research communities of Smart Grids and Internet of Energy.

11:00 – 11:30
Michael Wiesmüller (bm:vit)
Stefanie Lindstaedt (Know-Center GmbH, Digital Networked Data)

11:30 – 12:00
Zukünftige Anforderungen des Low Voltage – Grids an die IT
Johann Nyikos (Siemens AG)

12:00 – 12:30
Smart Grids: Eine Perspektive aus der Forschung
Lothar Fickert (TU Graz, Institut für elektrische Anlagen)

12:30 – 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:30
IKT-Innovationen für intelligente Energienetze und -systeme – internationale Best Practises und Potentiale in Österreich
Christian Derler (Joanneum Research), Robert Hinterberger (New Energy Capital Invest)

14:30 – 15:00
Networked Data in Intelligent Energy Systems
Slobodanka Tomic (FTW)

15:00 – 15:30
ICT Challenges in Smart Grids – Lessons Learned from Field Trials
Friederich Kupzog (AIT)

15:30 – 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 – 17:00
Data Analytics for Energy Applications
Thomas Natschläger (SCC Hagenberg)

17:00 – 18:00
Panel Discussion
Moderation: Fritz Fahringer (bm:vit)

In order to register, please send an email to mzechner (at), including your name and your company. The participation is free of charge and includes a warm lunch buffet, coffee, soft drinks, refreshments and snacks.

PhD position at ETH Zurich on public acceptance of energy infrastructure

The newly formed Human-Environment Systems (HES) group at ETH Zürich seeks to hire a PhD student, commencing as soon as possible, for a period of up to three years. Our group is part of the Institute for Environmental Decisions, within the Department for Environmental Systems Science. The student would pursue research within the thematic area of energy, development and security (HES:EDS) in an externally funded research project.

The HES:EDS thematic area concerns social and governance challenges and risks of a transition to a very large electricity system with high shares of renewables, spanning all of Europe, and possibly North Africa and the Middle East. Issues we are investigating include:

• the social acceptance of devoting large land areas to renewable power generation, centralized and decentralized, and transmission in one’s own back yard and in far off places;
• the methods and tools to involve stakeholders in the processes concerning electricity infrastructures and generation facilities, and the governance options to resolve competing interests for scarce resources, primarily land and water;
• the social and political implications of a system transformation, in particular energy security and human development impacts of cooperation between industrialised and developing regions, and ways of arriving at improved outcomes;
• the financing, construction and maintenance of an integrated power system across disparate and changing political and regulatory systems.

The successful applicant will have the opportunity to contribute to research within all research lines of the HES-EDS group, but in particular within the area of social acceptance of electricity transmission lines. Funding for this work comes from a new, European Commission-funded research project: INSPIRE-Grid (“Improved and eNhanced Stakeholders Participation In Reinforcement of Electricity Grid”), and the successful application will work with other project members in completing the research tasks already specified. The overall aim of this project is to provide the evidence base to support improvements to the permission processes for new electricity transmission lines in Europe, and in so doing improve the feasibility of renewable power options. The research tasks to be undertaken at ETH Zürich include analysing existing practices in different national contexts including different stakeholders’ needs and concern. The focus will be on why people oppose or support electricity grid projects, and what possible changes in the permission processes for such projects could accomplish.

Qualifications and skills: We seek a person with some degree of background knowledge on energy systems, gained through study or work experience, who is interested in focusing on social science research questions involving quantitative and qualitative methods, leading to a continuing career in research. Suitable candidates will hold a master’s degree in a relevant social science (e.g. political science, sociology, economics) or interdisciplinary field (e.g. environmental studies, geography, public policy). Excellent command of oral and written English, and willingness to actively engage with new concepts and methods in an interdisciplinary and international team are essential requirements. Proficiency in German, French, or Arabic would be an advantage, but is not a requirement. Prior work or research experience in risk communication processes would also be an advantage.

Position: We intend the position to be the context within which the successful candidate will complete a PhD degree. This will entail a limited amount of coursework, the preparation of a self-motivated research plan consistent with the INSPIRE-Grid project obligations, and ultimately the writing of a number of separate research papers for publication in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Depending on the candidate’s past course transcripts, the ETH Zürich doctoral program office may also require the successful applicant to pass one or more entrance examinations within the first year. PhD students at ETH Zürich also typically engage in some undergraduate teaching, participate in workshops and seminars, and take on limited administrative duties.

The position will start as soon as possible, and is intended to be for a period of three years, within which time the successful candidate will fulfil project commitments and complete a PhD. The initial contract will be for a period of one year, with a transparent review process to determine annual renewal.

The working location will be Zürich, Switzerland, with some work-related travel within and potentially outside of Europe. All members of the HES group contribute to and benefit from a dynamic, friendly, and supportive work environment, where they have the opportunity to pursue independent and self-motivated scholarship at the same time as they benefit from close collaboration with more senior colleagues, as well as a wide international network. We have a policy of supporting all HES group members in their professional development, including attending academic conferences and workshops, and assistance in preparing for their next professional step. ETH Zürich consistently ranks among the top universities in the world, while the city of Zürich is one of the most liveable. Salaries and benefits are extremely competitive, and compensate for the high cost of living in Switzerland.

Application process: To apply, please submit a written application as an email attachment to Anthony Patt, whose contact information may be found on the HES website:<> . Please include the words “PhD Student Application” in the email header. The application, in English, will consist of: (a) a cover letter, in which you describe your background, interest in the position, and interest in pursuing a PhD degree at ETH Zürich; (b) a resume or curriculum vitae, including past education, qualifications, work experience, and any publications; (c) scanned copies of university grades or transcripts at the bachelor and masters levels, with any additional information needed to interpret that information; (d) the names, affiliation, and contact information (telephone and email address) of two references who would be willing to discuss your qualifications. If you wish to submit a sample of written work, please feel free to do so.

You will receive a confirmation of receipt within several days. On 12 September 2013 the team members involved in the INSPIRE-Grid project (Anna Scolobig, Anthony Patt, and Johan Lilliestam) will review all applications received by then, and will continue to review new applications until the position is filled. Following the initial review, we will schedule telephone interviews with a short list of candidates, and may invite one or more candidates for an interview in Zürich. We will notify all unsuccessful candidates as soon as we have reached an agreement with the successful candidate. It is our intention to make a decision as quickly as possible after having received an excellent application from a suitable candidate. We welcome international applications, and applications from women, disabled people, and historically disadvantaged minority groups.

(NOTE: DO NOT submit applications to the email address<>. Instead, use the address for Prof. Anthony Patt found on the<> website)

Integrating households into the smart grid

The success of the householdsSmart Grid depends on its ability to collect data from heterogeneous sources such as smart meters and smart appliances, as well as the utilization of this information to forecast energy demand and to provide value-added services to users. In our analysis, we discuss requirements for collecting and integrating household data within smart grid applications. We put forward a potential system architecture and report state- of-the-art technologies that can be deployed towards this vision.

A. Monacchi, D. Egarter, and W. Elmenreich. Integrating households into the smart grid. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES13’13), Berkeley, CA, USA, May 2013.

4. DoktorandInnen-Workshop „Energieinformatik“ 2013

Call for Papers 4. DoktorandInnen-Workshop

„Energieinformatik“ 2013

11.-12. November 2013

neue Deadline für Einreichungen: 14. Mai 2013!

im Rahmen der 2. D-A-CH-Konferenz Energieinformatik 2013 und IEEE IECON 2013

Zum vierten Mal widmet sich der DoktorandInnen-Workshop „Energieinformatik“ der Rolle der Informatik bei der Transformation des Energiesystems. Die Energiewende mit ihren Zielen für die Umstellung des Energiesystems auf nachhaltige Energieträger bis zum Jahr 2050 führt zu einschneidenden Veränderungen im bisherigen elektrischen Energieversorgungssystem bzw. zu einem Paradigmenwechsel bei Planung und Betrieb der Netze. Es wird allgemein davon ausgegangen, dass durch den Ausbau historisch gewachsener Netzinfrastruktur in ein IKT-geführtes intelligentes Netz, das die Flexibilität von Lasten und Erzeugern ausnutzt, ein signifikanter volkswirtschaftlicher Nutzen generiert werden kann. Bei diesem Transformationsprozess spielen sowohl technologische Aspekte, als auch die Einbindung der Konsumenten eine wichtige Rolle. Daher liegt das Augenmerk nicht nur auf der Entwicklung, Bewertung und Anwendung neuer Technologien, sondern auch auf der Wechselwirkung dieser mit den Nutzern dieser Komponenten. Relevante Konzepte und Komponenten in der Energieversorgung erfordern auch eine Berücksichtigung und Anpassung der Regulierung, um das Potenzial des Smart Grid vollständig zu heben. Die Herausforderungen sind dabei nicht auf die Domäne Strom begrenzt, vielmehr steigt der Bedarf, die Herausforderungen von Strom-, Gas- und Wärmeversor • gung sowie Mobilität integriert anzugehen. Der Workshop „Energieinformatik 2013“ richtet sich an DoktorandInnen, die sich in ihrer Forschungstätigkeit an den Schnittstellen von Informationstechnik, Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft bewegen und soll die Möglichkeit eröffnen, aktuelle Arbeiten – von der gegebenenfalls noch unausgereiften Idee bis hin zu Ergebnissen der Dissertation – vorzustellen und mit WissenschaftlerInnen innerhalb der gleichen Domäne diskutieren zu können. Für das Workshop-Programm sind daher sowohl wissenschaftliche Langbeiträge als auch Vorhabensbeschreibungen und Arbeitsberichte in Form von Kurzbeiträgen unter anderem zu den unten abgeführten Themen willkommen. Ziel des Workshops soll es sein, die Einreichenden so anzuleiten, dass die Grundlage für eine hochwertige Einreichung entsteht, die dann auf einer Konferenz oder in einem Journal veröffentlicht werden kann.

Details zum Ablauf der Einreichungen und des Workshops unter

Mögliche Themen sind (ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit):

Ökonomische Aspekte und Nachhaltigkeit
• Konzeption, IT-Umsetzung und IT-Unterstützung von Marktmechanismen in der Energiewirtschaft
• Geschäftsmodelle, elektronische Dienste im Smart Grid
• Akzeptanz- und Verhaltensaspekte von Marktteilnehmern
• Anreizsysteme, Tarifmodelle und Preismechanismen
• Wirtschaftliche Bewertung von Energiesystemen
• Regulatorische Aspekte

• Koordination dezentraler Erzeuger und Verbraucher wie z.B. Supply Demand Matching und Demand Side Management
• Multiagentensysteme, autonome Systeme, verteilte künstliche Intelligenz, Selbstorganisationsverfahren
• IKT-Aspekte von energieträgerübergreifenden Ansätzen in der Energiesystemoptimierung (z.B. Power-2-Gas, Hybridnetze)

Software- und Systemarchitekturen
• Informationstechnische Einbindung dezentraler Energieanlagen
• Standards und Informationsmodelle sowie Referenzmodelle in der Energiewirtschaft
• Kommunikationstechnologien im Smart Grid
• Daten- und Informationsmodelle in Energiesystemen

Zuverlässigkeit, Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit
• Erfassung und Nutzung von Energiedaten
• Erzielung eines angemessenen, einheitlichen IKT-Schutzniveaus für verbindliche, hochfrequente Markttransaktionen
• IKT-Aspekte der Versorgungsqualität (Integration von Informatik und Regelungstechnik, Anforderungen bzgl. Stabilität und Echtzeit)

Modellbildung und Simulation
• (Co-)Simulationsansätze zur Bewertung von Planungs- und Steuerungsansätzen im Bereich Energiewirtschaft
• Modellierung von Komponenten elektrischer Energieversorgungssysteme
• Verifikation von Smart Grid Komponenten

Spezifische Anwendungen
• Einbindung und Koordination der Ladevorgänge von Elektrofahrzeugen
• IT für Elektromobilität/intermodale Mobilitätssysteme/Markt- und Netzbasiertes Scheduling
• Dienste für energiebezogene Fahr- und Betriebsstrategien von Elektrofahrzeugen
• Nutzungsansätze für digitale Haushaltszähler
• Industrielles Lastmanagement

Der Workshop wird in Kooperation mit der D-A-CH-Tagung Energieinformatik 2013 und der 39. Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’13) organisiert. Im Rahmen der Kooperation können ausgewählte Beiträge im Tagungsband der Konferenz veröffentlicht und auch in diesem Rahmen vorgestellt werden.

How do you use your electrictiy?


Im Rahmen des Projektes MONERGY arbeitet die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt gemeisam mit der italienischen Firma WitiKee an Lösungen zur Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs in Haushalten in Kärnten und Friaul-Julisch Venetien. Dazu möchten wir BewohnerInnen KÄRNTENS und FRIAUL-JULISCH VENETIENS bitten, folgende kurze Umfrage zur Nutzung von Elektrogeräten im Haushalt zu beantworten:

Die Umfrage dauert nicht länger als 10 Minuten. Ergebnisse werden auf der MONERGY Projekthomepage veröffentlicht.



Current and future challenges of the electricity supply system

Am 11. April 2013 findet um 9.30 Uhr (E 0.05) im Rahmen des Projektseminars 605.500 die Präsentation der Ergebnisse der Dissertation von Frau Prüggler zum Thema “Current and future challenges of the electricity supply system: Economic analyses in the context of Smart Grids” statt.
Diese Veranstaltung ist öffentlich, und alle Interessierte sind dazu herzlich eingeladen.
Norbert Wohlgemuth


Forschungstag Energiemanagement und -technik

Der Forschungstag Energiemanagement und -technik findet am

1. Feber 2013 ab 9.00 Uhr im Raum E 2.42

an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt statt.

Im Rahmen dieses “Forschungstages” werden Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die sich dem fachübergreifenden Forschungsschwerpunkt zugemeldet haben, aktuelle Forschungsfragen aus ihrem jeweiligen Fachbereich präsentieren (9.00 bis ca 12.00 Uhr). Themen dieser Präsentationen werden sein: Geschäftsmodellinnovationen im Energiebereich, Smart Grids, Energiewende, Aktuelle Rechtsfragen, Bedrohungen und Risiken von Intelligenten Energienetzen, Räumliche Energiepotentiale und Financial Benefits from Demand of managing Smart Grids.

Am Nachmittag möchten wir in Arbeitsgruppen daran gehen, Themen zu identifizieren und zu schärfen, die sich für eine interdisziplinäre Forschung eignen.

Die Veranstaltung ist offen, Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen!

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!

Doris Hattenberger, Erich Schwarz, Norbert Wohlgemuth, Wilfried Elmenreich



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