Tag Archives: household

Microgrids – Cleverere Energievernetzung für Daheim

pv-lakeside-enh-smWilfried Elmenreich wurde von Manfred Kloiber zum Thema Smart Microgrids interviewt. Solche Microgrids sind durch Softwaretechnologie gesteuerte Energienetze, die schwankenden Stromverbrauch und schwankende Produktion aus Windkraft und Solarenergie geschickt aufeinander abstimmen können. Die Wissenschafter der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt und der Lakeside Labs haben dieses Konzept auch auf die heimische Ebene runtergebrochen und in einem Projekt gezeigt, wie Stromverbraucher und Erzeuger im Haus miteinander vernetzt werden können.

Projekt MONERGY – ICT Lösungen zur Energieeinsparung in Haushalten in Kärnten und Friaul-Julisch Venetien

Im MONERGY-Projekt wurden ICT Lösungen zur Energieeinsparung in Haushalten erarbeitet. Die Einsparung erfolgt vor allem durch ein “Smart Home”-Konzept, bei dem BewohnerInnen Unterstützung durch Messeinrichtungen, künstliche Intelligenz und visuelles Feedback bekommen. Da bei solchen Konzepten der Mensch Teil der Regelschleife ist, sind die spezifischen Aspekte der Energienutzung in der jeweiligen Region von großer Bedeutung – das heißt es ist vorab notwendig das Verhalten in den jeweiligen Zielregionen, im Projekt Monergy sind das Kärnten und Friaul-Julisch Venetien, zu erfassen. Da es für diese Regionen noch keine detaillierten Daten gab, wurde eine Messkampagne über die Dauer eines Jahres durchgeführt und, auch um anderen ForscherInnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern, die Ergebnisse öffentlich zugänglich gemacht.
Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen konnten Mechanismen, Algorithmen und Geräte als Basis für ein effektives Energiemanagement entwickelt werden. Im Projekt sind hier die frei verfügbare Mjölnir-Software zum Aufau eines Energiemonitoringsystems, Algorithmen zur Load Disaggregation und ein Konzept für einen selbstorganisierenden Miniaturmarkt der Geräte hervorzuheben.



Forschungstag “Energiemanagement und Technik” am 23.10.2014

Am 23.10 nutze der Energieclusters “Energiemanagement und Technik” eine Zusammenkunft zum Austausch von Ergebnissen und Ideen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen.

Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung wurden folgende Rahmenpunkte behandelt:

Die Papers zu den jeweiligen Themen stehen als Volltext zum Download zur Verfügung!


Workshop Program: Human Centered Energy Management

Monday, 07.07.2014, 09:00 to 17:00 “Opening Day” 

9:00-9:30: Registration

9:30-9:50: Introduction to the workshop
9:50-10:40: Plenary talk: Wilfried Elmenreich (University Klagenfurt, Austria) –Bringing the smart grid into your home

10:40-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-11:50: Plenary talk: Oliver Parson (University Southampton, England) – Machine Learning for Home Energy Feedback

11:50-12:40: Group-work on focused topics o 12:40-13:30: Lunch Break
13:30-14:45: Group-work presentation
14:45-15:15: Coffee Break

15:15-16:05: Plenary talk: Marko Grobelnik and Maja Skrjanc (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia) Modern Analytics Methods for Energy Saving

Tuesday, 08.07.2014, 09:00 to 17:00 “Industry Day”

9:00-9:50: Plenary talk: Andreas Reinhardt (University of New South Wales, Australia) –Appliance-level Power Consumption Monitoring: Opportunity for Novel Services or Threat to User Privacy?

9:50-10:10: Coffee Break
10:10-12:30: Presentations of Companies
12:30-13:30: Lunch Break
13:30-15:30: Company Speed Dating
15:30-16:00: Coffee Break
16:00-16:50: Plenary talk: Andreas Kercek (Lakeside Labs GmbH, Austria) –Research collaboration and funding opportunities (preliminary title) 

Wednesday, 09.07.2014, 09:00 to 13:00, 15:00 “Social event” 

9:00-9:50: Plenary talk: Hermann DeMeer (University Passau, Germany) – Hybrid Risk Management for Utility Networks

9:50-10:40: Plenary talk: Erich Schwarz (University Klagenfurt, Austria) – Dean of Faculty of Management and Economics (title to be addressed)

10:40-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-12:00: Group-work on focused topics
12:00-12:45: Group-work presentation and discussion o 12:45-13:45: Lunch Break
14:30: Departure to the Social event with a bus

Social Event “Schau-Kraftwerk Forstsee”

  • Guided Tour
  • Plenary talk: Peter Palensky (AIT, Austria) – Buildings, people and the grid
  • Dinner

Thursday, 10.07.2014, 09:00 to 17:00 “Interdisciplinary Research Day” 

9:00-9:50: Plenary talk – Norbert Wohlgemuth (University Klagenfurt, Austria) –The energy efficiency rebound effect and renewable energy

9:50-10:10: Coffee Break
10:10-12:30: Group-work on focused topics
12:30-13:30: Lunch Break
13:30-14:30: Group-work presentation
14:30-14:50: Coffee Break
14:50-15:40: Plenary talk: Markus Biberacher (ispace, Austria) –Spatio-temporal aspects in energy systems with high renewable energy shares on local, regional and global scale

15:40-17:00 Group Work on focused topics

Friday, 11.07.2014, 09:00 to 13:00 “Planning future collaborations 

9:00-10:00: Group-work presentation
10:00-10:30: Coffee Break
10:30-12:30: Future collaboration panel

12:30-13:30: Round-up & Lunch

Workshop on Human Centered Energy Management

1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Human Centered Energy Management
to be held from 7th to 11th of July 2014
at Lakeside Science & Technology Park, Klagenfurt, Austria.

An inter-faculty research field “Energy Management and Energy Technologies”, staffed by academics from a wide range of disciplines, has recently been established at the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt (AAU Klagenfurt). Research efforts focus on energy management and energy innovation, networked and de- central energy systems. Together with the Faculty of Technical Sciences (TeWi), the Faculty for Management and Economics (WiWi) and the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF), this new research area will be further developed in cooperation with external partners such as the Lakeside Park.

The Lakeside Park is a platform for cooperation between enterprises and university institutions in the information and communication technology (ICT) sectors. A place of interdisciplinary research and development, training, production and services. The focus of the Lakeside Park is on selected topics of information and communication technology and complementary technologies such as energy systems. In the Interreg IV projects “Smart Energy” and “Efficient, Effective, Smart” the Lakeside Park establishes inter-regional contacts to strengthen collaborative research and development. Therefore, the Lakeside Park and the AAU introduce this novel interdisciplinary workshop with focus on “Human Centered Energy Management”.

Lakeside Park Klagenfurt with a view to the Wörthersee

Human Centered Energy Management

To ensure an efficient production, supply and consumption of energy, it is necessary to introduce novel technologies. Energy monitoring units, new smart control and managing techniques shall improve energy efficiency in the smallest entities of the common power grid – the Smart Building with its inhabitants and its neighborhood. In that respect the individual human being plays a crucial role for energy management tasks. On the one hand it is necessary to improve the energy efficiency of the costumer’s home to reduce energy consumption and costs. On the other hand also the decrease of environmental pollution by optimal utilization of energy resources is a major task of future energy systems.

The proposed workshop “Human Centered Energy Management” takes up these tasks and tries to identify problems and solutions for human centered energy management tasks in an interdisciplinary manner.

Format and Objectives

The aim of the workshop is to give regional experts, such as local professors and young researchers of the AAU, the opportunity to discuss and elaborate ideas with world-wide experts and to introduce and to discuss further ideas in an interdisciplinary setup. Therefore, participants with academic backgrounds and an interest on novel smart energy management systems as well as companies and research institutes are welcome to present and to discuss their research tasks and ideas.

The workshop will have a dedicated “industry day” providing the companies a platform to introduce their problems and to elaborate possible solutions and ideas with experts in the field of energy systems from different disciplines. The general format of the workshop lasts one week with key-speaker inputs and group work with discussions and presentations. Therefore, the event provides an excellent platform for scientific exchange, networking, establishment of international collaboration and the initiation of joint research projects.

Addressed Topics:

  • ICT solutions and approaches for smart home management and systems for integrated energy management.
  • Integration of smart and legacy appliances, renewable energy sources and storage systems in buildings to improve energy efficiency and awareness of inhabitants.
  • Identification, modeling and simulation of energy systems and human behavior
  • Energy data analysis and feedback approaches and behavior influencing information systems
  • Economics and law aspects of human centered energy managements systems in respect to smart homes, smart metering and energy data analysis as well as for renewable energy production and storage systems.
  • Market and business models for ICT-based energy services designed to improve the recent power grid and homes.

For more information about the workshop and how it is possible to participate, please contact dominik.egarter@aau.at.

Integrating households into the smart grid

The success of the householdsSmart Grid depends on its ability to collect data from heterogeneous sources such as smart meters and smart appliances, as well as the utilization of this information to forecast energy demand and to provide value-added services to users. In our analysis, we discuss requirements for collecting and integrating household data within smart grid applications. We put forward a potential system architecture and report state- of-the-art technologies that can be deployed towards this vision.

A. Monacchi, D. Egarter, and W. Elmenreich. Integrating households into the smart grid. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES13’13), Berkeley, CA, USA, May 2013.